August 19 Game Sheet


Sunny-Side Financials:


          Carry Forward 2023                 $     48.05

          56 golfers x $60.00                  $3,360.00

          02 golfer x $40.00                    $     80.00



State of the Union: I have to say it was a weird convenor day, even with everyone playing the West course. With the no-carts allowed to start the day, it thoroughly messed up the groups. We ended up with 3 two-somes, 5 three-somes and 4 four-somes. The Club was late posting the cart issue and poor Paul Mackey took a taxi to the course for his 7:39 tee time only to be turned away. Bummer.  Around 8:30 the Club re-posted that carts would be available at 12 noon. A home-made Huffman group took advantage of that and booked carts, beers and wings for a 12 noon tee off! No surprise then that we had our lowest number of golfers in a single outing, 37, one of which was a DNF. Mad Hatter stuff.


Some Huffman Numbers to Ponder:         Fifty-Eight Paying Huffman Clients in 2024

          Scheduled Number of Game Dates, (As of Aug 19):         13

          Actual Number of Game Dates Played:                           10 (Three weather related cancelations)

          Number of Players Who Have Played in All Ten Games:  08

          Number of Players Who Have Played in 9 of 10:              10

          In 2023, # of Pay Points Earned After 10 Games:            541

          In 2024, # of Pay Points Earned After 10 Games:            679


Another Hole-in-One: Exactly two weeks ago today, on August 5, Sam Swaminath had his first ever hole-in-one on hole #14 of the West Course.  When he shared that news with me today, I thought, how could I possibly miss a hole-in-one from one of our players on a Monday?! Then I realized August 5 was a statutory holiday, no league play.  You have been playing well this year Sam, congratulations on the Ace!  For the record, Sam had a spicey Bloody Ceasar as his drink of choice.  


Dueling Misters: First in the Club House with the day’s highest pay point total, (but the last scorecard to actually be filed with the convenor), belongs to Mr. Gordon Good! The weirdness of the day did not affect him as he shot the lowest score with a very nice 78. His second birdie on the day came on the 18th hole as he ended with 42 quota points! As Gord will tell you, he is now entering the handicap twilight zone… (cue Rod Sterling AND the scary music!)

Matching the day high of 42 quota points, was Mr. Gerry Coffin.  Gerry refused to go down without a battle. As soon as the Club said they would allow carts at 12 noon, he and three other cart buddies all jumped in.  Gerry had his best league game of the season with those six pay points, doubling his total to 12.  Gerry had a birdie on hole #11 which ultimately pushed him to the top. Grrreat games Gord and Gerry!


Silver Bullets. A two-way tie for second place this week.  The double barrel pump action belongs to Dennis Barr and Rahul Manchanda.  They both moved up to the yellow tees this year and have really made it pay off.  Their total of 41 quota points, which earns them 5 more pay points places them in the top 10 of the league this season.  Dennis had a nice round of 88. This was his second trip to the winner’s circle. He was one of the gents that jumped into the high-noon cart brigade!

Rahul shot a smooth 82, punctuated with a birdie on hole #11.  Rahul made a quota point on 16 holes today. Although Rahul has played well this season, this was his first trip to the winner’s circle.


A Bronze Good-One: Yes, Steve Goodwin made the podium for the second time this year.  Steve had not made a pay point until July 29, and now he has had three consecutive weeks of breaking the 36-point threshold.  What’s up with that? He must have adjusted to the 24-inch gimme-rule! Three weeks or more is a series.  That was a Good Win Steve!


Monday Stats that may interest only me;

Lowest rounds of the day: Gordon Good was a bit better than good today... a great 78. His split was 40/38, with two birdies.  Splendid!

Top Bird Dog: Sixteen birdies on the day. When three players had two birdies, this gent topped them all with three! Julian Oates on holes 7, 13, and 16. Trifecta!

All other birdies are listed below, EXCEPT for Phil Faulkner’s birdie on #11 which he did not cash AND Lindsay Somerville’s birdie on #16.

Best Played Hole by one 4-Some: On a crazy day with only 4 four-somes on the course, hole #5, was played to -2! This was accomplished by the Coyle group in which Derrick and Gordon Good birdied the hole. Grant Gardner and Rahul Manchanda made par.  This group had four birdies today and a modest 14 pay points!


All pay points earners are listed here.  A total of 14 golfers exceeded the 36-point threshold for a total of 41 Pay Points.

Player                  Tee/Hdcp   Quota         PayPts        Birdies        Score

Gerry Coffin         Y20            42               6                 1(#11)         86

Gordon Good        W12            42               6                 2(#5,18)      78

Rahul Manchanda Y16            41               5                 1(#11)         82

Dennis Barr          Y22            41               5                 0                 88

Steve Goodwin     Y21            40               4                 1(#16)         89

Derrick Coyle       W22            39               3                 1(#5)           90

Julian Oates          W9              38               2                 3(7,13,16)   80

Bill Rivard           Y14            38               2                 2(#11,18)    84

Sam Swaminath    Y14            38               2                 2(#5,18)      85

John Bulmer          Y29            38               2                 0                 98

Kent Clark            Y16            37               1                 0                 84

John Levasseur     Y16            37               1                 1(#17)         86

Brian McCall        Y18             37               1                 0                  87

Greg Ludlow        W27            37               1                 0                 99