Monday September 30, 2024

Booker Special and Last Play Date


Please check to make sure you are included/excluded, as the case may be and if not, please contact Mark Thompson at

Unavailable for September 30

David Blake Y

Kent Clark Y

Des Dutrizac Y

Peter Grail W

Victor Harris Y

Chris Kempling Y

Clark Leith R

Larry Nielsen B

William Penney Y

John Schuurmans W

Vic Taylor Y

Ed Wszol W



Player         Tee, handicap

1.Eric Allen (B) Y17

Claude Kortas Y26

Alvin Krische Y25

Guillermo Rishchnyski Y18


2.Gordon Salmon (B) Y18

Vipin Bhayana Y16

Grant Gardner Y17

Ian Shewan W19


3.Bob Coates (B) Y22

Lindsay Somerville Y15

David Ballingall Y16

Vic Vigna Y16


4.Dave Broughton (B) Y16

Terry McBride Y19

Gary Plomske Y16



5.John Levasseur (B) Y14

Gerry Coffin Y18

Derrick Coyle W21

Steve Goodwin Y20


6.Rahul Manchanda (B) Y15

Paul Mackey R27

Gregory Ludlow W28

Sam Swaminath Y17


7.Denis Gagnon (B) W20

John Irwin W15

Ernie Miatello W15

Roy Perovich Y18


8.Brian McCall (B) Y18

Gerry Marcus W13

Julian Oates W10


9.Bill Rivard (B) Y14

Bruce Anderson W18

Paul Jackson R28

Lyn Sartori W17

10.Mark Thompson (B) W16

Gordon Good W11

Don Letton Y22

Tom Wey W16


11.Sohan Samra (B) W15

Mike Belanger W20

Dave Webster Y17

Dennis Barr Y21


12.Phil Faulkner (B) Y21

John Bulmer Y27

Bill Gray W21 or Y17

Jim Stouffer R28